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Hello toy fans! I’m back again with another exciting toy review. This time I have the pleasure of reviewing Marvel’s Rhino, Ultron, and Chitauri Foot Soldier from Diamond Select.

Again, Diamond does not disappoint with multiple points of articulation, making all types of poses possible. Arms, knee joints, legs, and even heads move in many directions. All three figures offer these multiple points. I think we can safely say Diamond has listened to our pleas, and they are offering the figures this way now. The Chitauri stands out a bit more with the addition of hand articulation. All in all, 2 thumbs up. With all this articulation, fans will enjoy posing their figures in multiple positions.

Let’s start with Rhino. The facial features are amazing with the amount to detail they put into his face. Especially his grimace look. You can stare at his pearly whites for as long as you want. His outer rhino skin has cracks and crevices that give it a worn look. Even his horns have a “I just bashed through a wall” look. I truly enjoyed the time they spent sculpting this figure. It makes you wish all toy companies would take a page from Diamond and make all their figures look this well detailed.

Ultron, although not my favorite figure, if you’re a Avengers fan then he will fit nicely into your collection. I found him to be a little bland in color. Just silver with black stripes, which make him look to be an old Iron Man replica suit without the pretty red and gold colors. I did however like his head sculpt. Very modernized and even cartoonish in style. I have to say; they should have shined him up a bit more giving him a gleam. However, with that said I’m sure he fits the comic criteria fans live by these days.

The Chitauri was also a fun figure to play around. A movie accurate look, down to his armor and mask. These are nice army builder type figures to include in your battle scenes with the Avenger collection you might have. A little “Hulk Smash!” will go a long way. I was also told you will see the Chitauri resurface here shortly in the Marvel world again giving you more opportunities to enjoy these characters in other stories.

Apart from the attention to detail, and multiple points of articulation, two of the three figures include bases. The Chitauri comes with a railing, which looks like it can connect to the other railing included with Movie Version Hawkeye base as well.

Ultron includes a base that has Wasp and Ant-man sprawled out amongst the rubble. They look like a good beating was dished out at the hands of Ultron. All you need is an Iron Man flying around and you got yourself a shot of the Avengers.

Rhino although doesn’t come with a base, he is size accurate, making him larger than spider man giving him the advantage in their ongoing battles. Again good facial features have him standing out among the action figures to date. Spidey better watch out he is going to be crushed under this brute.

I was quite impressed with all the figures above. Given the strides made in sculpting and articulation, these are a must own for marvel select collectors. Articulation, attention to detail, and even the bases that are being included in most of Diamonds packaging. I would have to say Rhino is my favorite out of the three, and I will be running out to buy a Spider-man to match up against the leathery nemesis. I give them all 3 out of 3 for uniqueness, detail, articulation, and play ability factors.

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If you haven’t bought these yet run out, and get them. If you have, then you know you’re pulling them off the shelf to pose, and play with them. They will also stand the test of time with your children as well. Feel free to allow your kids to rough house with these figures, they can take the abuse. You can find these at your local comic shop or Diamond Selects website. Happy hunting.

Till next time.

What’s your Factor?

By Brian Isaacs - Executive Editor / Publisher

An avid comic collector/reader for over 50 years and self-proclaimed professor of comicology, Brian originally started up the site Pendragon's Post to share his voice. Well, that voice has been shared and evolved into The Fanboy Factor. Brian is an advocate for remembering comic roots, and that we don't forget what was created in the past, and encourage everyone to read it as well. When not swimming in geek culture, he can be seen corrupting..introducing his young son to comics, much to his wife's chagrin.