It feels like it’s been forever since they were formally announced, but over the last few weeks DC Collectibles Crime Syndicate figures have finally been hitting the stores.  The first figures making their way to our grubby lil fingers are Owlman and Johnny Quick w/ Atomica.  Believe it or not, I picked Johnny Quick over Batman Owlman.


Nonono.  Don’t give me a hard time.  Of course, I’m gonna get Owlman, at some point.  Like I said in my Total Heroes Green Lantern review, I need another Batman figure like I need a hole in the head.  And, no, it doesn’t matter that this is Earth 3’s version of Batman.  If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and is named Owlman, it’s still Batman.

Whatever any of that means.

If you’re not following DC’s Forever Evil, then you should really be ashamed of yourself.  Ok.  Maybe that’s a bit extreme of me to say.  Still, the series has a great update of the Crime Syndicate.  So great, in fact, I almost don’t mind the fact DC’s pushed the final issue of the series back 2 months.


Last issue delayed or no, the figures are at least here, as Johnny Quick will surely testify. Unfortunately for me, my Johnny Quick is a bit beat up.  I haven’t heard/seen any complaints about paint apps being off on this figure on the internets, so I’ll just chalk it up to the luck of my draw.  But, the Johnny Quick figure I picked up has what can only be described as “dings” in his paint.  I’m not usually one to be so overly critical, but looking at the pictures I took of him, the dings are glaringly obvious.


Nicks and scratches aside, Johnny continues DC Collectibles roll of stupid wicked cool action figures.  He’s articulate in all the ways an action figure should be, and while he doesn’t come with any accessories per se, he is packed with a tiny Atomica figure.


And how cool is she?  If I can be honest with you for a second, that BS I was saying earlier about not needing another Batman figure was just that.  BS.  The real reason I got Johnny over Owlman?  I wanted that Atomica figure.

How could you not?  Look at her!  She’s tiny!


Sorry for lying to you earlier.


Johnny Quick’s in stores now.  So go get him while you still can.  And let me know if your figure looks like a car that’s spent a little too much time in a supermarket parking lot.


You know…dinged up.  If I gotta explain the joke, then it’s not gonna be funny.

By your friendly neighborhood jman - Feature Editor

catch more of your friendly neighborhood jman's hijinks over at

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