The youngest heroes continue on their adventures of Hero Killers on its fourth issue.

But from all the rest of the story, you’ll only see the main character actually attacking the other heroes because he’s paranoid to others. Killing Black Terror is not enough for him, but he started hurting other heroes and somehow he became more violent as he ever is.

As these young heroes were experiencing fear and Tim is feeling guilty about killing people, he suddenly began to make some stories that some of the heroes were killed by villains out of nowhere. But he actually killed those heroes in cold blood, but now he’s trying to make an attempt to kill Captain Battle. For some reason, I had no idea that Tim is turning evil just because Black Terror became a total dick to him. Captain Battle Jr., knew what Tim’s been doing all this time, but he’s far saltier than any other human being really had. But when Captain Battle got there, he shot junior just to save him. On the next day, the major and the other heroes began to raid Tim’s house just until he called out Black Terror out of nowhere from death. This is the most bizarre comic that I’ve read, but none of it made any sense about why did he kill Black Terror on the first issue.

In my reaction, this comic is really confusing to know how the main character killed his strongest hero and revived him by using a death gun. He actually brought him back to the living from the “Gross Dimension 42”. How does the death ray killed him, but instead he sent the other heroes to another dimension. None of this makes any sense, I swear however made this comic is actually a maniac who made this story something impossible for any readers to understand. There’s nothing else to say about this comic, but to wait what will happen on the conclusion of the comic.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.

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