The mayoral race is in full swing with an election debate on the horizon and a special guest arriving just in time to see it. Dr. Jonathon Crane.

Harley is really panicking Mayor Deperto and he is not one to lose without a fight, a dirty fight no less. His right-hand woman Madison is seriously losing the plot as each issue unfolds she is definitely one to watch as becoming a supervillain before her story is over and she will be a very capable baddie.

For now, though Harley is focused on the city, and using some pretty clever ways to find out whats what. I would vote for Harley no question about it and hope she wins it, Mayor Quinn has a nice Spin-off sound to it! She ends up having a pretty trippy experience this issue that is absolutely brilliantly drawn! The flowing colours the claustrophobic-ness of the panels really makes you feel as if you are tripping alongside her as all her insecurities play out.

The relationship between Harley and her crew is always a pleasure to read but her and Poison Ivy really have something special and it’s really quite sweet. I dare say Deperto has more plans to push them to the limit and I can’t wait to see them fail….hopefully