IDW Comics brings you the complete graphic novel of Back to the Future side story of Biff Tannen, the cheater in Biff to the Future from the beginning to the end.

From the moment when I read all six issues of the sequel, I always thought of myself something after I watched Back to the Future 2 movie, and we never know how Biff changed the future after old Biff gave him the Almanac Sports magazine from the future. But just until now, the whole series will expose to the readers and revealed all Biff madness after he got the Sports magazine.

The thing about this comic is that we show every timeline of Biff Tannen’s madness and strolls of winning streaks and conquest. He may be a villain of the series, however, he couldn’t stick to his nose until he gets whatever he wants, like Lorraine or the whole town of Hill Valley. It’s all about him of course, he does have a goal in mind to take over the world with his famous magazine from the future. Just until Doc Brown came up with own time machine invention to prevent Biff to change the future, by getting what he really deserved, death. Even in death, he was killed by his own ascendant from the distant past. Mad Dog Tannen killed his own future flesh and blood on a bullet on Biff’s head, that’s a very shocking truth to the Tannen family. However, the part of the story didn’t actually take place on the second Back to the Future movie, but instead, they skipped the 1985 part and moved forward to 1986 where Biff Tannen met an ironic end. Either way, the people of Hill Valley wanted to stop Biff from changing a town into a steampunk of terror just to know that their town is the safest place to live.

To me it’s a great side story, but despite from all the horrible things that Biff transformed the town into a Gotham like a wannabe. But I bet that things don’t last forever until someone becomes the next mayor of Hill Valley. As Biff who became a total asshole and his terror had finally come to an end. In fact, no one in Hill Valley ever loves the Tannens, even so, they would ever have to ban bad people from coming to town. But anyway, the sequel of Back to the Future side story of Biff is really a good read, even if you’re interested in being a total douchebag like him, then don’t be because you’re taking a path to thug life.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.