4colorcommentsWith New York Comic Con coming up this week, as a public service, we at the Fanboy Factor would like to offer some generic survival tips to help you out and to get through this con a lot easier.

1) Shower and Use Deodorant: Cons are extremely crowded & it can get extremely warm in there, so do your fellow con goers a favor and shower & use deodorant. I can’t stress this enough. Nothing is worse than a smelly fanboy.

2) Bring Bottled Water: Hydration is extremely important. Plus at what the convention halls charge, it’s best to bring your own. I suggest either one of those camping plastic bottles or one of those aluminum bottles. Most of these halls have plenty of water fountains around, & it’s really easy just to fill it up when you’re running low.

3) Use Deodorant

4) Bring Snacks: You’re gonna get hungry, so bring some snacks with you. And again, the convention hall is going to try to charge you an arm & leg to eat something. I know I don’t like paying $8 for a small turkey sandwich. Personally I suggest something with protein in it like an energy bar. But there are cheaper places to eat outside the convention center.

5) Use Deodorant

6) Wear Comfortable Clothes And Shoes: Might as well be comfortable, seeing how you’re going to be on your feet all day. Though this is kind of null & void if you’re going in costume. Wear shirts that don’t ride up and pants that don’t fall down. I’ve seen a lot of crack digging through back issues. Not a pretty sight.

7) Use Deodorant

8) Small Bills: Everyone is going to be hitting the ATM & bringing a lot of 20’s. This can cause the vendors to run out of change. Do yourself a favor and go to a bank and try to break your fundage into small bills. Yes, it’s a load to carry in your wallet, but you’ll move more quickly through the vendors with small bills.

9) Use Deodorant

10) Spandex Is A Privilege, Not A Right: Look I understand that fans like to dress up like their favorite characters, but know your limitations. It’s just a fact that spandex doesn’t look good on everyone. And if you’re going in costume, please don’t half-ass it. Nothing is worse than seeing someone dressed in a Spider-Man mask and T-shirt, and considers it a costume.

11) Use Deodorant

12) Keep a List: I find it easier to keep a list of items I’m looking for. So when I’m thumbing through the bins I know what I want.

13) Use Deodorant

14) Keep Your Autograph Items Ready: There is nothing more annoying than waiting in line for an autograph, and the guy in front of you doesn’t have anything ready. Take the comics out of the bag & get them ready for signings.

15) Use Deodorant

16) Bring a Bag: Personally I find it easy to bring a backpack, with an extra collapsible bag for bought items & swag. Just makes it easier. I suggest bringing a poster tube, seeing how a lot of the swag are posters & you don’t want to get them messed up.

17) Mind Your Manners: It takes very little effort to say “Excuse me”. Try it.

18) Use Deodorant

19) Don’t Be Creepy: Yes, your favorite creator is making himself/ herself available, but it doesn’t mean you’re BFFs. Take cues from the person across the table to determine what type of conversation is appropriate. And guys like it or not, ladies are much more prevalent at cons now. Whether in costume or in a favorite t-shirt, ladies attend cons for the same reasons you do: to snag autographs and sketches, dig through longboxes, and find collectibles to fill shelves. Nothing is more annoying to a geeky girl than being ogled while she digs for Eightball back issues. Engage her in conversation, but respect that she’s a fellow geek, not the last girl on the planet

20) Don’t Hit On The Booth Babes: Listen up! They do not want to be your girlfriend! They just want you to buy their stuff!

21) Use Deodorant: Notice a trend here. This is something I just can’t stress enough.

22) Have a Good Time: Just enjoy yourself

By Brian Isaacs - Executive Editor / Publisher

An avid comic collector/reader for over 50 years and self-proclaimed professor of comicology, Brian originally started up the site Pendragon's Post to share his voice. Well, that voice has been shared and evolved into The Fanboy Factor. Brian is an advocate for remembering comic roots, and that we don't forget what was created in the past, and encourage everyone to read it as well. When not swimming in geek culture, he can be seen corrupting..introducing his young son to comics, much to his wife's chagrin.