Jerry Trainor to Co-Host Alongside Animated A.I. Supercomputer, Nicky, Voiced by Rama Vallury

Nickelodeon’s ultimate cartoon trivia showdown, Tooned In, returns for season two with Jerry Trainor (iCarly) co-hosting alongside the animated A.I. supercomputer, Nicky (voiced by Rama Vallury, Baby Shark’s Big Show!). The epic gameshow puts contestants to the test to prove their animation knowledge, with three kids competing in rounds of trivia for a chance to be declared the episode’s big winner. Season two of Tooned In premieres Friday, Sept. 17, at 8:30 p.m. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon.


In Tooned In, Trainor and an animated A.I. robot, Nicky, co-host a messy and slime-filled gameshow where kid contestants must compete in a battle of Nickelodeon cartoon knowledge for the chance to be named the night’s big winner and take home a cash prize of up to $1,000. Each episode features three kids who are tasked with solving animation questions across rounds of trivia until only one contestant is left in the competition. The final kid will then move on to a special round where they must compete against Nicky and climb the robot’s motherboard to be declared the episode’s winner.


Tooned In is executive produced by Jack Martin (The Misery Index), who also serves as showrunner. The series is directed by Genji Keen (The Dungeon Run, Good Mythical Morning). Production of Tooned In for Nickelodeon is overseen by Ashley Kaplan, Senior Vice President, Digital Studios; Paul J Medford, Vice President, Unscripted Current Series; and Luke Wahl, Vice President, Digital Studios.

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