So Valhalla and Hell working together. That can’t be good, right?

Ernie finds himself facing a united force of Hell and Hel but it turns out they don’t want to kill him rather they need his help. A war is coming one that they can’t win. If they were in charge with the war they would lose as the way they would face the enemy is predictable, it happens with older people, they get stuck in their ways and obviously Hell is older than most so is even more stuck to doing things a certain way. Ernie is not stuck in his ways. Ernie is chaos incarnate. If Ernie takes charge then who knows what will happen or what he will do (including Ernie).

As the battle begins with Earnest in charge it looks promising but as the tide turns Hell and Hel start to have doubts about their choice, Ernie has a plan, though -kinda- and plays for time until it quite literally falls into place.

This comic is a nice twist on the classic good vs evil and is more like good and evil vs something even worse. The artwork really brings out the chaos surrounding Ernie and the darkness of Hell. The chastity bonus comic at the end is pretty cool too with her taking on the undead and a massive plot twist to lead into next issue