“Do you think when we were kids our dads had this many questions raising us?”

Peter J Tomasi and Patrick Gleason begin a new arc in their Superman series. In The Name Of The Father part 1 kicks off and man is it a humorously fun issue!!!

This issue is heavily centered on Superman’s son Jon aka Superboy. Readers get to see Jon go on a bit of adventuring of his own, but it turns out this adventure may turn out to be more than Jon can handle. Especially when a certain angry Boy Wonder shows up on the scene and emphasizes how dangerous Jon is. Without spoiling the issue, I have to say that while Batman and Superman are the known as the World’s Finest, Jon and Damian are most definitely the World’s Smallest but no means are they pushovers! Tomasi and Gleason really have a good grasp on how Jon and Damian are no different than their parental guardians, yet how similar in personality and attitude they are to their parents as well. The dialogue and clashing of personalities are as explosive as they are entertaining. What’s great about this issue is that this story is more focused on Jon and what sets him apart from his father and in a way, sets him apart from various interpretations of characters that have held the Superboy name.

Gleason’s art is hugely entertaining and  alive as it is energetic. There are tons of great moments , especially when Superman and Batman get in the mix. There a number of moments that are illustrated in this issue that are beautifully drawn and hilariously entertaining, but I’ll leave readers to find that out for themselves. This is definitely a solid issue that I believe readers will enjoy immensely.

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.