It’s the final gig of Pinmaggedon, will the girls make it to be the first band ever to complete it?
Lack of sleep and Josés chimichanga addiction leads to a pit stop for a Corey-ccino with a handy recipe guide to make our own as well. A mysterious stalker isn’t the weirdest thing that the Creepies encounter that accolade goes to the fact that Coady has been caught on tape with A BOY!!! Coady is almost caught out as Corey reaches up to tease her about the boy but her hand goes straight through her (well she is a ghost after all) she covers it well but it was a little too close for comfort.
The mysterious stalker lays a trap to stop the band’s van which means they have to go looking for help and Corey hallucinates something that hints at the truth behind her sister’s strange behaviour but obviously doesn’t want to think about it anymore and dismisses it.
Devin danger completely misses his chance for his elusive exclusive with the band when he refuses to stop and help the stranded girls, lucky for them the next car is Shil who helps them out and picks up Corey and José on the way to their grand entrance at the gig!