This multi-billionaire middle-aged asshole literary keep things going on this latest issue of Biff to the Future.

Apparently, this issue should really shocked anyone if they saw Back to the Future 2 movie, and that’s really heavy duty for the fans out there.


After George got murdered by Biff and his goons, Lorraine came to Biff just to tell him how things got really unfortunate to her and her family. She just only doing all of this to her kids and her family, then after that they got married each other, but the only thing that she lost something of her life is George McFly. However all that ever did is that George McFly was trying to protect his family from Biff, so the evidence was left is his wallet, then he gave to Stan Reynolds just to frame someone. Biff actually escalates all his winning bets on his Almanac Sports magazine, and he achieved various things like running a newspaper business under his name, and he even gets to meet and shake hands with the President of the United States. Time just passes by, and Biff plans to build a hotel, just until he noticed that George’s kids became aggressive because of him and they’ll try to go up against him. However in the meeting, Doc Brown showed up in such a moment just until he’s trying to build a time machine just to stop Biff and his evil plans.

My reaction is quite remarkable because the first thing that Doc is trying to do is to build a time machine, but then in the movie, Doc actually got caught in some crime right after Marty and he discovered from the newspaper in 1985. Probably, this whole time loop will change after Marty and Doc came back to 30 years from the future. However, Biff was escalating his own needs, but now he’s married to Lorraine, young Marty and his siblings don’t know what to do anymore because his stepfather is a crook. Well right after all of this would happen in this comic series, I doubt that time would continue until it reaches 1985 when Marty and Doc come back from the future.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.