Waller has escaped from the people, how will she retaliate?
Harley Quinn is a ruthless leader, seriously ruthless! After having Deadshot shoot Killer Croc to awaken the Enchantress (whom Deadshot finds out really quickly) is a vengeful type and she tries to kill Floyd for shooting Croc. Harleys plan did work though as the Enchantress freezes time leaving then with loads of time to disarm it if they would stop with the infighting. Our team, unfortunately, can’t disarm the bomb but they did manage to download info that could help them against the people. Harley also found out who killed Hack and she doesn’t take it well. A quick portal means she can dish out almost immediate revenge on whoever killed Hack.
While the team is busy Waller gets abducted and spends the issue being tortured before being released, on her way away she claims she had escaped and gets to HQ where she announces the squad’s new target and boy is it a doozy.
What has happened to Waller? She is the last person that you would think could be brainwashed into believing the people let alone joining them! Hopefully, the rest of the team can snap her out of it or it is just another plan where she is four steps ahead.