Dark Horse Comics releases a life strategy guide about life hacks and it depends whether if it’s worth to cheat at someone or not,

so this is the book of How to Win at Life by Cheating at Everything! Life hacks are something that cheap people could do in life, whether if anyone doesn’t have any money to buy something at home or everything. But this book is nothing but pure evil and this book would make you a horrible person, and the only word that you can depend of is to try to steal that book and keep it to your pits so it’s all yours.

There are some various strategies to cheat life with it, even if you try to steal a book from Barnes and Nobles and buy a different book so anyone doesn’t know if a person actually shoplifts a book at a bookstore. These strategies would actually change someone’s fate horribly with actual excuses to avoid people and anything. However, there are things that can ruin someone’s life, like getting the vice principal fired or blackmail at someone. This is all just a game to them, a game which I really hate, it’s just like that Biff to the Future comic, he literary cheated life at everything by using the Almanac’s Sports magazine to win so many bets and became famous all over America. You know, life is hard and there’s no denying whether you accept your fate and admit that you’re the worst person that can ever be.

I thought that this book can be more of a life hack from reading some articles and watching some YouTube videos about people inventing stuff instead of buying or depending on something. I mean this book has all the answers to cheat life, but that’s where it’s all wrong because all you ever see this book is a strategies guide of scams. After you guys read this book, you might become one of the most corrupted people in the country, no, the most corrupted people in the world. You’d better not read this book because you’ll become more corrupted than any other people living in New York City. It’s hard to believe that I’ve read this book about life hacks, but this is far the worst life hacks that I ever read, I rather invent something that would make me more comfortable in any way, like doing something for my iPhone just to stick it to the wall with a magnet so it won’t come off the wall. But if you like to get this, this is a warning that you’ll avoid is to not scam and sue somebody, or they’ll call the police and arrest you immediately.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.

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