You have to love Uncle Scrooge McDuck,  always plotting a way to make more money and keep it to himself locked away in his money bin.

This issue has three stories taken from various printings over the years, from 1965,1976, and 2014 to be precise. It’s so cool that the stories can be 50 years old and still make you laugh and the characters are still the same all these years later. It just goes to show that some characters really are timeless.

The first story is Scrooge buying a farm and needing Donald and the triplets to run it for him. Poor Donald is in for a time of it as Scrooge wants it to be properly authentic even down to horsehair beds! As Scrooge leaves the boys to notice one of the Beagle Boys lurking about and wonder what they could be trying to steal from a farm? Then they find the Golden egg!! So that’s Scrooges game! But in true Donald Duck style, of course, there is more to it and as he desperately tries to fend off the Beagle boys it all falls apart and even in the end, he doesn’t quite win.

The second story sees the Beagle Boys steal inventions from Gyro Gearloose and use them to rob banks with no one able to stop them. Gyro then has to come up with a genius plan to make sure the Beagle Boys don’t get away with it. I love Gyros inventions and the lengths he has to go to to get his thinking cap on! Classic tale.

The third story is another classic tale of Scrooge going to extremes to keep his money safe and some ridiculous occurrence putting it in jeopardy, this time it’s paper shredding termites who just happen to LOVE the taste of Limburger extract which Scrooge has newly sprayed his cash with!! Facepalm moment Indeed!

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