Goddamn it Landry I totally see why the Bowmans hated him! He is a total liability.

The Bowmans and Landry are still laying low after the events of last issue but cabin fever is setting in especially for the younger vamps. Landry, of course, isn’t helping things of course and is sowing discontent amongst the family. I think Bartlett feels a little sorry/guilty about Landry and is trying to help him through the transition of becoming a vampire but it may have blinded him to the fact that Landry is still a grade A douche.

Landry may just be learning about vampirism but I can’t help but feel he just doesn’t care about how anything he does affects those around him but this time he may have messed up more than he realises and its the Bowmans who are going to suffer the most just how much depends on what happens in the next issue!

I love the whole redneck vampire idea you get so used to vampires being suave and sophisticated it makes a nice change that they are hillbillies just trying to get by and be left alone. Well, they were until Landry got involved!