I really don’t know where to start with this comic, it’s not for the fainthearted but could be a pretty good story as it builds!
Chuck is a good man. He’s worked for a douchebag meat factory his entire life as did his dad and when I say the owners are douchbags I mean on a Biff from Back to the future scale! He never saw his dad because he always had to work it even ended up killing him. It shows how pathetic poor Chuck is he has to work for the family that has degraded his entire family.
A man can only take so much and his schoolage bully who is now pretty much his boss and still as big a bully as ever finally crosses the line and something snaps but not in a way you would ever expect, this could be pretty epic as the story continues.
This is a pretty graphic comic which does not sugarcoat the pill when it comes to meat processing it’s gory and messed up but a pretty decent read, I’m interested to see where it’s going.