As the Justice League gather a plan to sort out the mystery that surrounds the Totality and it’s possible ability to save the multiverse, other forces are at work.
Lex Luthor has devised a plan that neither the Justice League nor the Legion of Doom will ever see coming. What new discovery has Lex Luthor uncovered? Where is John Stewart? What does the Totality contain that could save the multiverse? And what is Lex Luthor willing to do to seize it?
Scott Snyder made a pretty good impression with the first issue and with this issue, it’s safe to say that he is having fun writing this book. One thing that struck me is Snyder’s narrative voice is very different from his prior works on other titles such as Batman, and Justice League: No Justice. There is some traces of his narrative voice that could be found in Dark Nights: Metal, but in regards to this book, it feels as though Snyder is channeling his inner Chris Claremont.
There are narrative boxes where the story is told from an omniscient perspective that reads a bit operatic in ways that are reminiscent to what Claremont had done during his time on X-Men during the 80s and 90s. The only difference is that Snyder uses those narrative boxes sparingly letting the reader dive into the dialogue between characters, making the readers feel engaged between each character interaction.
Jorge Jimenez artwork is amazing beyond compare!!!! When I first saw his work within the pages of Earth 2, I remember thinking how great it would be to see him work on a mainline DC book. And then he was working on Superman with Patrick Gleason and Peter J Tomasi where his artwork was just a spectacular feast to look at. And now that he’s made his way to drawing Justice League, his artwork is more spectacular than ever before. Each page and panel is nothing short of amazing, especially with the colors provided by Alejandro Sanchez making it a joy ride to reread.
Justice League issue 2 is just a solid read through and through. The writing is great and the artwork really leaves an even powerful impression. And thanks to the select members that are assembled in this title, it makes for a fun read when reading each of the characters with the voices of the Justice League Unlimited animated series in mind. Definitely add this to your pull list!