The third issue in the Aphrodite series from Image/ Top Cow takes us further along our path of discovery:
Aphrodite V has saved the life of a brilliant, yet arrogant young man by the name of Martin. Now, Martin is fighting against an AI being called Basilisk. It was created by his own father.
Enter Martin’s competitor, Caitlin Campbell, and her company Eidolon. As Aphrodite and Hui-Men visit Caitlin, things get really nasty. For all of them. Basilisk is involved!
Writer Bryan Hill’s story is rock solid and as strong as an episode of Star Trek or other sci-fi drama; the conflicts are clear here. It’s cyber human against an AI-based villain. The dialogue is deep and crisp and even.
Aphrodite V is incredibly well drawn and coloured. Artist Jeff Spokes creates the right combination of intensity and intimacy with the characters and their settings. Lots of black areas, with highly realistic figures, poses, and expressions. It’s moody. Someone is leaving the lights down low. Maybe Spokes is drawing this series using live models as reference, I’m not sure. One thing is certain, and it’s that he has a gift for creating drama and showing action in environments.
If I was to offer any constructive criticism at all about this series so far, it’s that a casual reader could be confused when looking at Jeff Spokes’ female characters. At first glance, they resemble each other, despite different haircuts and facial scars. Perhaps a few different body types would help. But hey, that’s quibbling about minor things when there is so much fun and adventure to be had in reading this iteration of Aphrodite! Check it out!
Image Aphrodite V #3, $3.99 for 23 pages of content. Mature Readers