There is a dark entity that stems from another world called the Magnum Khaos that feeds off of the cruelty, anxiety, and negativity of humanity.
It has set its sights on earth and the only one who can possibly combat this entity is Jake. Jake is a guitarist who has left his band and is dealing with the emptiness that has filled his heart. People close to him have left him, except his electric guitar, and as he reels from his own depression, a monstrous creature appears to try and kill him, that is until Murder Falcon shows up and combats the creature! Who is Murder Falcon? what is he? What is his connection to Jake, and is there more beings like Murder Falcon? Can Jake and Murder Falcon be enough to take on the various hordes that the Magnum Khaos unleashes?
Prior to discovering this book, I tend to constantly follow various illustrators of different genres and disciplines. One day I came across some cool art that had some awesome grey tones akin to manga and pulp stylized art (somewhat like a mix of Paul Pope and other stylistic artists of that kind) and I was constantly liking every one of the pictures until I discovered that Daniel Warren Johnson announced that he was coming out with a series through image and Skybound and I have to say, that Murder Falcon is a boatload of fun!!!!! If I could think of a way to compare it, it is like a Metal version of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure in the sense that Jake is basically connected to Murder Falcon, who in a way is kind of like a Stand (if you know of Jojo then you get the reference). But regardless of that, it’s a book that combines a love for Metal, fun, and adventure which is fun to read through. I had a lot of fun reading this book and in a way, I enjoy how Johnson is able to write and draw this book in a way that makes everything stand out in various ways.
Whether it’s his writing or his artwork, it is full of energy and evokes sound without the need to even hear it just to enjoy it. The story may be simple, but Johnson touches upon the importance of music and how it can help people get through tough times and even tougher times, and using Jake as the character to explore those themes is something that readers will appreciate aside from all of the glorious action that the book delivers. Mike Spicer’s colors blends awesomely with Johnson’s artwork and it makes it look friggin awesome, making every panel pop out with energy on every page that Murder Falcon steps in. But even the slower moments where Jake is just talking with friends are just as enjoyable.
Murder Falcon is an extremely entertaining book that delivers lighthearted fun that is accompanied by the writing and artwork to back it up! Definitely check this book out, its something that readers will definitely enjoy when they need a break from other genres that are dominant within comics.
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