Another fantastic issue in what is quickly becoming one of my favourite comics out right now.

Dead Rabbit is getting the gang back together by recruiting his old wheelman into his come back tour, with medical building its no wonder he has to come back out of retirement but he doesn’t realize its not just cops he as to worry catching him.

Dead Rabbit may be still in his criminal prime but wheels is possibly just a little rusty and that leads to disaster for him and could be a lot worse by next issue! I love the artwork it has the feel of the classic days of comics and I love how heavily shadowed it is it really highlights Dead Rabbit when in costume and the general hard times that its set in. A few dropped hints about the story means you have an inkling at what may be coming Dead Rabbits way but you just don’t know to what extreme it’s going to hit and who its going to take out on the way to him.

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