Into every generation, a Slayer is born; a chosen one! This gave me genuine goosebumps!

I loved Buffy the tv show and the Angel spin-off so of course, I was going to read this and I’m not ashamed to admit in most of their voices! The characters are absolutely spot on from the show the look the mannerisms its incredible and makes it really hard not to hear their voices especially Giles you can already feel the exasperation towards Xander in just a few lines. The essence of the show has been captured beautifully too, a mix of ass-kicking action with a helping of humour makes it feel like Sunnydale never left and certainly wasn’t swallowed into the Hellmouth nearly 16 years ago at all!

As first issues go this one is really good, it sets up the characters perfectly, a trio of misfits who find in each other a kindred spirit and sets up the Giles Buffy relationship as well where he tries to teach her and she rebels against it. It also sets up the challenge for Buffy, at this point she is already an established Slayer with the vamps having legends and rumours about her but with this amulet, she has already ran into something which isn’t her run of the mill vamp killing, little does she know that this is just the start!!