Another brilliant issue delving into the inner workings of Batman’s brain.

I love how you never really know if this part of the story is happening in real life or just in Bruce’s brain as he tries to escape from whatever it is that has taken a hold of him. The Question is interrogating Selina about why she left but is it really Bruce asking and answering the questions!? It is a really nice dive into the past as Selina recounts how they met and discusses their relationship over the years leading up to that fateful day, will this be the break Batman needs to escape from himself or will her answers send him deeper into insanity?

I love this issue but especially the final page and equally especially the final panel those three little words that could change everything! It is such a small gesture but it blows apart everything that has happened up to now. I love the eight panel spread showcasing Batmans baddies and his ability to keep getting up after being hit