Even the vilest villain can a change of heart.

Recently, Doctor Doom had a change of heart. After the events of Secret Wars, Doom was a changed man. When Iron Man in incapacitated, Doom takes up the mantle of Iron Man to prove to the world he is a better person. 

Hasbro has given us an amazing Walgreens exclusive with the Infamous Iron Man. This is an incredible sculpt. I think the sculpt is the same that was used with the Iron Skull, but I’m not 100% sure. Either way, it looks great. Even though it is Iron Man’s armor, it still has that distinct look that still tells us this is Doctor Doom. 

I love the paint apps on this figure. He has his classic grey and green, but I love how Hasbro dulled the grey. Very cool effect. He comes with a 2 part cape and hood combination. While the cape is removable, unfortunately, the hood isn’t. Seems a little weird to me and kind of bums me out. I wish the hood would come off. There’s also a Victor Von Doom head the replaces easy enough.

He also comes 2 sets of hands: one set of closed fist and one set of open palms. There are also 2 energy blasts that plug into open palms. And finally, 2 energy surges that go around each arm.

Bottom line this is a solid figure. Though seeing how Hasbro has just finished the Fantastic Four, most of us were hoping for a classic Doctor Doom. But this is still a cool figure.

Infamous Iron Man is a Walgreen’s exclusive, so keep checking your local Walgreens!

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By Brian Isaacs - Executive Editor / Publisher

An avid comic collector/reader for over 50 years and self-proclaimed professor of comicology, Brian originally started up the site Pendragon's Post to share his voice. Well, that voice has been shared and evolved into The Fanboy Factor. Brian is an advocate for remembering comic roots, and that we don't forget what was created in the past, and encourage everyone to read it as well. When not swimming in geek culture, he can be seen corrupting..introducing his young son to comics, much to his wife's chagrin.