Daphne’s dream lodgings are quickly turning into a nightmare!
While Ronnie and Bernard seem to be getting along famously, Daphne wakens the darker side of Maurice who by way of a flashback is revealed to be a horrible person even before he died. While chasing Daphne Maurice reveals a few truths about some of the other spirits, Agi especially and it could mean everything changes.
The plot definitely thickens the more we find out about Rycrofts Mamors past and how it will affect Daphne is yet to be seen but I think this could be the start of a very different story. Rycroft Manor is no longer a hidden sanctuary but possibly has a very sinister past. This isn’t quite how I saw the comic playing out but I have to admit I am liking the sudden dark turn it has taken. I can’t wait to find out where the story goes from here!