The conclusion of the three-issue miniseries occurs this week for Superman Year One. This DC book contains more pages than your typical comic book and is written by Frank Miller, illustrated by John Romita Jr. Inks are by Danny Miki. Colour is by Alex Sinclair.
Anyway, now that we’ve dispensed with the formalities, what do we get for our cash?
Basically we get the introduction of Superman to the Daily Planet, with plenty of prologue and politics. Lex pokes his shiny head into the story and moves it all about.
It’s not without drama or suspense, but the story once again (much like issues one and two) ventures into “this happens and then this happens, then this…”. The structure is a bit staid, a bit sprained and sprayed with stiffener. There is a lot of drama for your dollar, and some interesting overlap and plenty of cameos.
The artwork ranges from astonishingly and stunningly awesome to disturbingly odd. It’s a higglety pigglety mix of wonderful and ‘wonder why he did that’.
Still, a brave recap of Superman’s early years, handled in a unique and fascinating fashion. It ain’t broke, it don’t need fixing, and it’s good to see Frank Miller writing and composing dialogue again!
DC, Superman Year One #3, $7.99 for 66 pages of content. Teen