And that’s all they wrote, the final curse words but you know what, what a way to go

I have loved Curse Words from the very start both Wizord and Sizzajee are amazing characters who are frigging hilarious as they go up against each other and the other characters are an amazing bonus Sizzajees faithful if somewhat incompetent henchmen were all so unique it was great and who can forget Platinum Johnny and his adventures.

The final issue is everything it should be a massive fight that is bigger than ever, everything tied up with no loose ends, a grand finale and best of all classic one-liner battles like “eat Uranus, you jerk” “Oh grow up”. Not everyone got a happy ending but everyone’s ending was exactly how it was always going to be.

With a final message teasing the happy  idea that this may not exactly be the end of this world of Wizord and it could quite easily feature in future stories we say goodbye to a fantastic comic

Now to go back and reread from the start!

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