This is a really cool comic, an epic fantasy quest with a twist!

Ansel is basically a Larper but he Larps as an accountant from the city! Ansel lives amongst the trolls and fairies but he dreams of a more mundane life and he realizes these dreams may actually be visions! This has a little feel of M Night Shyamalan’s The Village about it with the elders creating danger on the village outskirts to stop questions being asked, but Ansel is determined to find out the truth.

I love the twist on this tale, I love that the faraway land at the end of the quest is just a city but its treated as if its some mythological place, its brilliant. It makes you wonder where it’s going, when and where it’s set and how the city life fits into the story. I can’t wait for it to unravel as there are already so many questions that o need answered, one issue in and I am thoroughly hooked.

The artwork is really well done too it walks the fine balance between ideas, it has fantastical characters but portrayed in a very realistic way they are just living their life, no big deal that they happen o be trolls or fairies. It gets across the intensity of the situation while also making it fun to look at.

All in all a brilliant read