The scourge of the seas comes to life in this first issue telling the tales of Calico Jack and Anne Bonny.

I love that the characters are based around real pirates it adds a little depth and realism to the story you don’t need any set up you are invested straight away. This issue hits the ground running beginning mid-battle as The Kingsman and its crew overpower a British ship and take its cargo of gold. The battle looked incredible, the violence was in your face but not overpowering and the artwork was amazing as you almost feel the heat as the ship burns. Anne Bonny looks amazing as she towers above the fracas every bit the equal to Captain Rackham and together the look a force to be reckoned with.

I am really looking forward to further issues as Anne faces battles from both the British ships and her own crew who she clearly is not winning any favours with as she shows them up in fights time and time again and with the big reveal on the final pages lives aboard the Kingsman are about to get very interesting.