Lona Steelrose and Cobrasun wrestle with their lives on the line as they not only combat life and death but the truth itself! The past and the present collide as everything has led up to what could possibly be the ultimate wrestling match of all creation!

Writing: Johnson’s ability to balance spectacle, wit, brutality, and dynamism is woven together through the emotional throughline that carries this series, under the theme of family. Lona and Cobrasun’s familial commitment of reviving a loved one and healing from trauma has brought them to the highest peak that neither of them ever expected. When you think you know where this book is going, Johnson pulls the rug from underneath, dropping you into the darkness to plant you on a roller coaster that makes unexpected turns which garner excitement and investment throughout the book. This issue in particular is simultaneously grand and intimate as past and present parallel one another until it all collides into one that is remarkably written with proper execution that by the time readers get to the end of the issue, it’s like a crescendo that leaves you wanting more.

There is so much enthusiasm that can be felt throughout every kinetically illustrated layout, page, and screentones that emanate in all of the panels. Johnson is able to effectively convey emotion, raw power, and story with every page and panel. Each page is a page-turner that provides appreciation for every brushstroke, screentone, and line that is applied on every page. Mike Spicer’s coloring and Rus Wooton’s lettering enhances the book even further, making it vibrant and powerful. This issue along with the previous issues is worth adding to your pull list for new comic book day.

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.