
Time for 8 more glorious…and nerdy…and cute…SDCC Funko Exclusives!

Let’s start with the Big Bang Theory gang…
All the boys will be handsomely decked out in Star Trek gear…and right in the midst of a being transported it seems!
And all of a sudden I’m hosting a fashion show it seems.






Next we have Amy Farrah Fowler, stylishly dressed in her SDCC outfit variant.


Work it, Amy.










And from one of the most anticipated animation movie releases of the summer…


Despicable Me 2 Minions!



Dave and Evil Minion look dazzling with their fancy shmancy Metallic treatment!


Just look at those overalls shine!


…do fashion show announcers use the term ‘shmancy’? Hmmm.






For the grand finale…
Carl is LITERALLY glowing…in the dark that is!!
Ooooh, aaaaah.
Again, keep an “eye” out for our giveaways…TWO giveaways per WEEK!
Spread the word!
We look forward to seeing you in San Diego.
Funko Booth #5343