Doctor Who POT #8 coverPLOT:

Picking up shortly after the 1996 movie featuring Paul McGann and Daphne Ashbrook, the Eighth Doctor arrives in San Francisco and asks Grace Holloway to take one trip with him.

Whereas most of the companions of the Doctor were excited to be a part of his adventures, Grace is overwhelmed by the alien worlds, unusual creatures and extraterrestrial experiences.

However, when the TARDIS ends up on an alien world outside of the city of Brendais, the Doctor and Grace meet Oren and his family. The two hear the story of how the Overseers randomly take citizens to be “ascended” and forever separated from their families.

When the Overseers arrive at Oren’s home, the Doctor and Grace take matters into their own hands and save the day.

But the mysterious hooded figure, who has been kidnapping the Doctor’s friends in all of the previous issues, appears out of nowhere and kidnaps Grace and the poor Doctor is left stranded.


I have always said the Eighth Doctor is “my Doctor” and I have been a fan since the 1996 movie (also check out our interview with the amazing Daphne Ashbrook here back in our Pendragon’s Post days), so I was excited to read this issue.

Scott and David Tipton capture the feel of Paul McGann as the Doctor and even channel Daphne in Grace with their storyline. The story actually had the feel of the Fourth Doctor’s series THE PIRATE PLANET.

I have to admit though, the art took some getting used too. While Roger Langridge is an accomplished artist and has worked with Doctor Who in the past, I believe his style works more for humorous stories.

I would have preferred an artist similar in style to Kev Hopgood’s style as was seen in the previous issue of PRISONERS OF TIME.

For example, the Overseer aliens in this issue are not threatening. Here is a picture of one:


The Overseers reminded me of this old McDonald’s icon:

While the book has its quirks, it is still great to see the Eighth Doctor out and about. He is truly one of the best Doctors and Grace is one of the best Companions and this comic reflects that.


Scott & David Tipton, writers

Roger Langridge, artist

Charlie Kirchoff, colors

Tom B. Long, letters


All image credits courtesy of their sites and IDW.

3 thoughts on “Comic Review: DOCTOR WHO: PRISONERS OF TIME #8 (IDW)”
  1. Totally agree with your review. Specially about the art. I love when the Eighth Doctor is drawn by Martin Geraghty or Lee Sullivan, I was hoping that Martin would do this issue since he was the main artist in the DWM Eighth Doctor comic strip

    Roger Langridge art is funny and caricaturesque, apt for fun stories, as you say

    1. Thanks so much! I know Roger is a good artist but I would like someone a little more serious. It was good but it could be better…

      Thanks for the comment!

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