“Justice League: War,” the latest entry in the ongoing series of DC Universe Animated Original Movies, arrives TODAY (February 4) on Blu-ray Combo Pack, DVD and Digital HD from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment.

Trio GL-Darkseid GL-Bat fivesome Darkseid_smirk

Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and DC Entertainment, “Justice League: War” features both the first coming-together of the previously unaffiliated Justice League super heroes — Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Flash, Shazam and Cyborg — in an all-out attempt to halt a worldwide invasion by Darkseid. The film also presents the origin story of Cyborg.

Shermar Moore discussing finding the voice of Cyborg:

Shemar Moore discussing the Victor/Cyborg origin story:

Shemar Moore discussing the fun of playing Cyborg:

Shemar Moore discussing delivering lines as a super hero:

Shemar Moore discussing the way (and Matthew Gray Gubler) would look in super hero outfits: