Alright. It’s confession time. One of the biggest reasons that your friendly neighborhood jman has been a toy collector for the last 20 years? Todd McFarlane and Spawn toys. Man…I can still remember the day when I saw my first Spawn figure. I know I say this a lot, but my life hasn’t been the same ever since.
Since that day, back in late 1994, it’s been a dream of mine to tour McFarlane Toys showroom. Well, don’t give up on your dreams kids, cause 20 years later? I was standing mere feet away from the man himself, Todd McFarlane, too much a fanboy to even say “hello”.
But…I did take a lot of pictures!
Brett Gardner toured us around the showroom (thanks again, Brett!) starting with the Assassin’s Creed line. Have you seen these figures yet? The first wave hit the stores just before the holidays. And they are in keeping with McFarlane’s eye for detail. The line continues with wave two featuring Conner w/ Mohawk, Aveline De Grandpre and Assassin Adewale.
The Halo figures continue for 2014, as well. With new sculpts of Master Chief, celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Halo 2 and Halo Xbox One Master Chief.
One of McFarlane Toys’ new properties, and one that’s getting a real big push, are the Rabbids. Mcfarlane Toys’ has got so much in store for this line. Blind bag figures, 4 inch “Silly Swaps” figures, Plush and this awesome plunger gun thing that makes Rabbid noises. But, the best part about the gun? Hold the trigger down for a few extra seconds. Put it down. Walk away. After about 20 seconds it goes off again. Love the randomness of it!
The sports line continues for 2014. Staring with the NFL, the line feature it’s first figure of Michael Irving. Also in the assortment are Colin Kaepernick, Russell Wilson and a whole slew of others.
Basketball expands, as well. with LeBron James, Tim Duncan and Stephen Curry figures.
Yes…don’t worry. They’ve got new MLB figures too, for 2014. Manny Machado, Rickey Henderson (and the coolest part?!?!? Hats from each team Rickey’s played on are on the ground in front of him.) and Aroldis Chapman.
That just about wraps up the McFarlane coverage…
LOL! Nah. I’m just kidding. Like I’d end this without mention the Walking Dead. Both the comic line (Series 3) and the TV line (series 5) expand into 2014. McFarlane Toys also did some “work for hire”, designing the Walking Dead DVD boxes. Let me tell you something, these things are pretty elaborate. The season three set? Yea…those are zombie heads floating in water.
Last but not least, the Phenom himself. Undertaker. This line of resin statues will also feature the Macho Man, Stone Cold and Triple H by years end.
My pick? This super sick Rick Grimes statue. Man! The pictures don’t do it justice. And it’s not even finished yet!!!