

The “Grimm Fairy Tales” series follows Sela Mathers in her quest to keep the Grimm universe safe from evil. Namely, The Dark Queen. For readers who have not heard about the series before (Like myself), #0 is not the right jump on point. It does pique your interest with the ever so brief look at the past which focuses solely on showcasing the level of danger that is about to be let lose in the present during “Age of Darkness”. One thing that does help in issue #0 is the brief recap on the first page and from reading that, it helps understand the world you’re in , who the big players in this world are and what is to come. For readers who are already familiar with the series I think is is a strong lead in for what is to come and even as a first time reader I was able to sense the danger that was coming albeit with no attachment given whatsoever to the characters.

The cover art (By Anthony Spray and Ivan Nunes) is an eye catcher. It delivers a beautiful image that is able to entice a reader and prepare them for what lies inside. As with the cover, the interior does not disappoint starting . It captures the Grimm world quite perfectly and does not shy away from using well placed splash pages for both dramatic and aesthetic effect. Without giving away any spoilers, I would say be on the lookout for when one of the “Bloodknights” is revealed.

The story is written  somewhat like a darker version of the 90s Kevin Sorbo Hercules Tv Series. And that is not a bad thing at all. It opens with a messenger riding to Captain Gilendel’s camp with some bad news. The spread does a great job of setting up the times and the coming danger with the character , Captain Gilendel utilized expressly to enforce the danger that the enemy poses . The execution of that scene feeds into the present and you can’t help but have that “You have no idea” reaction when Sela Mathers dismisses the danger (“THIS is what you’re afraid of?”- Sela Mathers) after she sees a old drawing of the “Bloodknight”. I have to say despite knowing that the series revolves around Sela Mathers, I was more intrigued and interested in Shang. I was wondering who he was and how he knew everything he told Sela . There’s something to be said about being able to make a character that interesting in only one page.

The book also includes some very interesting previews both of which are tie-ins to “Age Of Darkness”

This a great comic for returning readers but for new readers who want to make sense of everything and everyone in this world, it is a great preview to the real thing, but don’t expect to connect with any of the characters in this piece… Except for Shang… Shang is awesome.
