fanboyfactorlogoOn this week’s episode, Brian Isaacs and your friendly neighborhood jman, talk all things “Force Friday”. The toys and the hype. Speaking of hype, did you see that promo video for the sphero remote control BB8?

After all the Star Wars talk, your favorite fanboy get into Arrow and Diggle’s (unfortunate) new costume, the pros and cons of having more Batman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. And top it all off talking about Josh Trank’s Chronicle.



Fanboy Factor Podcast Episode 65: Force Friday Recap
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One thought on “Fanboy Factor Podcast Episode 65: Force Friday Recap”
  1. Great discussion!

    Some Targets were open at midnight. I think it was around 200 stores. The biggest complaints I heard were from TRU–across the board the stores had pretty much single cases of everything.

    The difference between the Black Series 3.75″ exclusive to Walmart and the other 3.75″ line is that the Black Series figures have more articulation, whereas the rest are five POA.

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