Beloved screenwriter and creator Max Landis (Chronicle, American Ultra, Superman: American Alien) teams up with penciler Giuseppe Camuncoli (Amazing Spider-Man), inker Cliff Rathburn, colorist Jean-Francois Beaulieu, and letterer Pat Brosseau for an all-new miniseries from Image/Skybound Entertainment called GREEN VALLEY. It will launch this October.
The knights of Kelodia are the finest in the land, but they’ve never faced a power like the one that resides in GREEN VALLEY. This new nine-issue miniseries will welcome readers into a world where nothing is as it seems.

Green Valley was an idea I had when I was a very little kid,” said Landis. “As I got older, most of my ideas from when I was small sounded stupider and stupider. ButGreen Valley persisted in my mind, and grew. I’m glad to see it finally come to life so beautifully.”

GREEN VALLEY #1 will hit comic book stores on Wednesday, October 5th. The final order cutoff deadline for comic book retailers is Monday, September 12th.

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