In this week’s DC All Access episodes, DCAA speaks with Grant Gustin, Carlos Valdes, Candace Patton, Danielle Panabaker and the rest of the cast of Flash: Season 3, about what we can expect when they tackle the iconic “Flashpoint” storyline next season. DCAA also talks to the cast of DC Super Hero Girls: Hero of the Year, the first movie featuring the DC Super Hero Girls and get treated to an exclusive clip from the movie. DCAA talks to writer Christopher Priest at SDCC about what fans can expect from Deathstroke’s new series, DCAA talks to Megalyn E.K. about the return of Vixen’s hit digital animated series, and DCAA gathers its squad in an attempt to figure out the ten best Suicide Squad comic book moments.

Flash Season 3: Kid Flash Changes Everything + Supergirl
The Scarlet Speedster wasn’t the only thing that was racing when we got our first glimpse of The Flash’s third season—so were our hearts! In today’s new DC All Access, we talk to Grant Gustin, Carlos Valdes, Candace Patton, Danielle Panabaker and the rest of the cast of the hit series about what we can expect when they tackle the iconic “Flashpoint” storyline next season. Plus, Dan Jurgens discusses how Action Comics’ current Doomsday storyline differs from “The Death of Superman,” we look at some of this week’s new comic and home video releases, and we give you a chance to win a Young Animal Comic-Con poster.

DC Super Hero Girls: Hero of the Year – Exclusive Clip + Cast Interviews
The girls of Super Hero High are graduating…to their first full-length feature! In this DC All Access animation clip, we talk to the cast of Hero of the Year, the first movie featuring the DC Super Hero Girls and get treated to an exclusive clip from the movie. Will the girls be able to save the day when Dark Opal and Eclipso attempt to harness the power of the school’s amethyst? And you thought YOUR high school was brutal!

Deathstroke Battles Batman, Robin & Superman
Rebirth is about to take a deadly new turn with the debut of Deathstroke: Rebirth #1, the twice monthly new series featuring everyone’s favorite one-eyed assassin. In this DC All Access comics clip, we talk to writer Christopher Priest about what fans can expect from Deathstroke’s new series, which heroes he’ll be going up against and how even in a world full of super humans, Slade Wilson always manages to stay out of prison.

Vixen Season 2 Gets The Atom & Firestorm
If you’ve been roaring for more Vixen, you’re in luck. In this new #DCTV clip, we talk to Megalyn E.K. about the return of Vixen’s hit digital animated series, coming soon to CW Seed. Now that Mari McCabe’s fully embraced her abilities, what threats await Detroit’s wild new super hero?

Top 10 Suicide Squad Moments
How’s this for a task? Just in time for the release of Suicide Squad, DC All Access gathered its squad in an attempt to figure out the ten best comic book moments from the team formally known as Task Force X. Fortunately, we managed to assemble our list without anyone losing their head. (Too bad we can’t say the same for all of the characters on our list!)

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