For a book called Death of Hawkman the titular character seems to be very underutilized in the first issue.

Not that I am looking forward to the death of one of my favorite characters (for like the 20th time). The book focuses on Adam Strange as he tries to figure out why the Zeta-beam (his teleportation method) is not working properly. Strange hops between fan favorite DC Universe cities as he explains (somewhat humorously) that he is a part of the Justice League.

Once I realized that this book is more of an Adam Strange story that leads to the death of Hawkman I was a little more into it. Knowing what I know now I look forward to seeing where the mini-series leads. My hope is that it leads to Hawkman’s eventual return and a new title for the Thanagarian warrior. While the book is enjoyable I don’t understand why they feel the need to be killing off a character who has barely been in the comics in the last few years. I personally feel that Hawkman is underused all around (see my review of Legends of Tomorrow).  I’ll only be giving this title 2.5 out of 5