I truly feel like Joshua Williamson is a hidden gem of comic book writers. The Flash has been incredible since rebirth and it seems to only get better with each issue.

Number nine is no exception to that statement. This issue is just a one and done story but SO much happens in it that it feels like an entire story arch. Normally when a single issue is so jam packed it feels rushed or cluttered but this issue doesn’t feel that way at all. In issue nine we get the following: a team-up between the Flash and BOTH Wallys, a reveal about young Wally’s dad (Holy cow!), a tease of story arcs to come, and a major tease of a character’s return! Joshua Williamson gives us all of this while delivering a heartfelt story that ties into the larger DC Universe. Not only is the story good, but Jorge Corona’s art is fun! In some cases, it gets a bit too cartoony but for the most part it fits the feel of the story.

Overall, I think I can safely say that the Flash is my favorite comic book again. 10 out of 10