Looks like things are away to get a lot more difficult for Slade Wilson.
Slade’s ex-wife is pulling out the big guns, Superman, she manipulates him any way she can to get him to agree but it works. we skip back a day and see Joseph rescuing kids from a building on fire and meeting up with his sister Rose while Slade confronts his ex.
The confrontation does not go well and Adeline still has a lot of built up frustrations about Slades infidelity which she lets out through the medium of trying to stab Slade in the heart!!
Adeline has an ulterior motive to why she set Deathstroke up and is trying so hard to kill him, she still loves him, Nah just messing she’s trying to get him to take a contract out for the people she works for.
How Deathstroke is going to handle Superman on his tail and how he is going to end up on top is anyone’s guess. Next issue doesn’t look as though it will let up on the action as all Deathstroke’s allies have received an anonymous text message revealing who or what he is really like