This comic is Amazing! There that’s all the review you really need, go read it. NOW
Twists and shocks galore in this issue as we discover that Kevin and his parents are not alone on the island and that Kevin is completely and utterly badass! Kevin senior has a mare of a time looking for and successfully finding antibiotics for his ailing wife regardless of the fact that he is faced with dinosaurs and dead bodies. Kevin junior looks to have inherited bravery from both parents though as his mom doesn’t get phased at the presence of men and the danger they bring but gets on with the job at hand keeping her kid safe.
This island is crazy, not only dinosaurs but water that isn’t always water and rival castaways bring danger wherever you look but Kevin appears more than capable of handling it. I love the way that the ‘Bad guys’ refer to Kevin as <The Boy> it’s obvious that he has been a pain in their backside the whole time he has been on the island and they would like to get rid of him by any means. I am still amazed by the future/prehistoric surroundings with the caveman looking man wearing a motorcycle gang jacket and another wearing a helmet I can’t wait to discover what has lead to this mental situation!
Again at the end, we have a few pages where the artwork is split into layout, inks, and colours with the artist describing the process and ideas going into each part. I really love this insight into the making of the issue and you can really see the passion that goes into this project!