This story is one of the hidden events from the second movie of Back to the Future in the 80s which focus on this pathetic loser Biff turning into a big shot.

On the events of Back to the Future 2, future Biff goes back in time to meet young Biff in his teens and tells him about his future that he’ll willing to change. Future Biff gives the Sports Almanac magazine from the future to Biff to show how many teams had won that happened in the future, which he’ll willing to take the risk and bet one of the famous sports teams and athletics in America and win. I guess that’s how life hacks were really made of, or I should call it cheating. After his grandmother died and Biff got expelled from high school by his principal, he kept using that magazine to go even further to bet and win big. Will this is about to change Biff’s life? What are Marty and Doc are doing? Will they stop Biff’s future?

In my reflection of this first issue, I’d say that this is one of the best stories yet whenever I watched the movie Back to the Future. For some reason in my mind, I just realized that two years it was October 21, 2015, which I believed the same date on the movie when Marty and Doc go to the future in 2015. Everyone went crazy that the future and the date of the month, day and year turned out like this. Anyway, whenever I read this issue, I find that the story and art are well solid, even the art and the lettering made it more amazing, almost from what the artist worked on digital art to make this comic which tells the story about young Biff becoming a crook and a cheat. This story is more amazing yet until I watched the whole movie.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.

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