Cartoon Network’s most popular TV animated show Adventure Time had been dominated over the years by its popularity. To the animated show, to comic books, franchises and more. But this time Boom! Studios releases a whole graphic novel of Adventure Time which were created by various artists who were big fans of that show.
Ever since Adventure Time was shown on Cartoon Network, the children and adults were gone crazy from watching these cute characters on their adventures. So they created some short comic strips based on the story, I guess many fans and artists draws more comics of Adventure Time and showing some love to the fans of this cartoon.
This book has some amazing collection of short stories from cartoonists all over the world. Meaning there are many cartoonists, artists, and fans who loved watching Adventure Time and started creating short comic strips of them. Of course, they create some short comic book strips of these cute and beloved characters of the whole series. If I were to draw and make a short comic strip of Adventure Time, people would realize that I have some love for Adventure Time, because I’ve been watching the whole series since I was a teenager. So this whole graphic novel of collection of short stories of Adventure Time will really entertain you, so c’mon and grab your friends and get this book so you will enjoy it!