If you take anything away from this issue it should be: always carry plenty of ‘butt money’

Harley has a unique knack of fixing a situation only for it to get much much worse, even to the point that 150 years into the future she looks to be engaged in a gladiator style battle with a newer version of batman, I can’t wait to see how that plays out and what could have happened to lead to it.

Back to the present though and Harley and Atlee are getting their butts kicked by Zorcrom but as is Harleys way she manages to get Zorcrom to like her (how can he not in that costume) and as Atlee goes for help Harley takes Zorcrom on a tour of Brooklyn to show him what it is he is destroying. The tour is typical Harley with a nice scenic view, a couple of hot dogs and a rabid squirrel!!after more bonding over butt plasters, she takes him to a nice Jewish restaurant where it all kicks off again.

Atlee goes to get Power Girl to help defeat Zorcrom and arrives just in time to follow the destruction to find them outside the deli not before Power Girl has a mid-air collision that has Atlee in stitches. I really hope we find out what went wrong in the deli as it was going so well and can only imagine what occurred to enrage Zorcrom again.

Another brilliant issue and exactly how I imagine a date with Harley would go!