In this sci-fi comic of John Carter, the story focuses on fighting a new enemy in the galaxy. This sci-fi comic of John Carter, written by Brian Wood and Alex Cox and artist by Hayden Sherman, will determine the fate of planet Mars.

Unlike any other sci-fi comics that I’ve read, this issue comes along with the conflict in Barsoom, but somehow the forces of darkness are trying to take over Mars into a complete destruction. I’ve never read this comic about a war from another planet, except Star Wars, but everyone are trying to survive and fight until the end. In the battle of Barsoom, there’s a least some few survivors on the old palace, the Queen had a discussion with the old man who’s concerned about her safety, but then the Queen is seeking to her son, so she actually try to shoot at the other soldiers just to get some information about her son. John Carter went to the canyon somewhere in Barsoom to see an old friend, but many things had changed since they last met, however, the thing is that on their reunion John Carter learns that the Tars Tarkas had suddenly evolved, but soon Tars Tarkas will be gone soon. Will he stand up and fight for Mars and for Barsoom?

In my reaction to this comic, this issue is something else, but it depends on the story because this sci-fi comic is shown much more of a fantasy story. The art and the coloring are great, however, the coloring are somehow focused on monochrome, the art and designs are great too. But I would like to understand about the story because the story of John Carter has some amazing adventures whether he’s the warlord of Mars, but how is this story will hold up on his adventures. I would recommend to read this issue and the first one if necessary.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.