Harley’s future comes back to haunt her this issue as another side story comes crashing to the fore.

I’m really loving how this series has been written out, When one arc ends there isn’t a lull as another arc unravels we get the pleasure of 4 or 5 arcs unraveling together so when one ends another picks up straight away. Unfortunately for Harley, the arcs unravel without her knowledge so when they are in full swing by the time they crash into her.

Harley has just finished off the Cannibals and received some much deserved praise when Harley Sinn calls and tries to ruin her day with a single call but Harley has worse things to think about, her parents are coming to stay! Tony tries to reason with her by as he makes his point about how crazy things happen around her he gets interrupted by a crazy thing happening!

Dev is back from the future and ready to kill Harley for killing Batman but she falls into the bad guy habit of underestimating our Harley and her ability to dispatch someone in the strangest way possible.  Dev is not out of the game yet though so stay tuned.

The flashback episode is pretty sweet too as we get a few little shock reveals, was that finally the Joker’s real name?? And te Joker plucking up the nerve to finally tell Harley how much he cares only for her to miss it, typical Harley!