The adventures and mission continue on the second issue of Mass Effect Discovery.
Last time, one of the Turian Warriors traveled to Earth searching for answers, however, he was invited by the founder of the Andromeda Initiative where everything brought with their experiments for the use of science. But unfortunately, someone already made their first move on the mission.
Based on the report during the citadel, they went to find the source at the construction site where he would find the Novarra for him. Luna Shanks and a Turian traveled all the way there to find a scientist named Shio’leth, but somehow no one ever heard of him and thought that he was dead or missing. He was banished on his behalf and left him on some forest planet because of that, he wasn’t unsure what he wants to do with him ever since he turned his back against him. Everything went so far until an uninvited guest shows up and asking them to find Viegle. Every one of them was slaughtered, but he is under control of the enemy who manipulated him and gave him the power of electricity. Will the party survives and seeks the answers they were looking for?
In my reactions, the comic is great even what I read from the last one. The thing is that the Citadel is on a brink of sorrow where something worse is about to happen. However since Luna and the Turian went to the construction site to investigate, they learned what happened to that scientist who happens to be found abandoned on a forest planet. However, someone is out there looking for Viegle because he had some relationship with Shio’leth. And after that, they found out that the scientist is at Omega where he resides. According to the game, the Citadel Council planned to have more population in the new worlds of the Andromeda Galaxy, but unlike any other planets, some of them were abandoned right until the whole team of the Andromeda Initiative went to investigate, but right now some of them were expecting a great war out of the universe. If you haven’t read the sequel of this comic yet, I suggest to start reading on the first issue and see they’re dealing with.