Jax’s kidnapping escalates as the ransom call is finally made this issue.
Gemma and Clay enlist the help of a reluctant mysterious biker in the hunt for Jax and as he begins his search the club gets the call. Jax is obviously not going down without a fight as he almost lures Uzi in and is away to attack him and escape until, luckily for Uzi, its time for the call and another kidnapper foils Jax’s plan. The ransom call goes as planned but the gunshots used to scare the club alerted a local policeman who has to be taking care of which I think is just a step too far for Uzi but will he have the time to help Jax out?
Clay and the club are on their way to the farm and as they bust open the door only to be greeted by a blood-spattered scene you have got to think that any chance of a rational conclusion has long gone, this is going to get messy.