The first issue of Black Crown Quarterly, from IDW, is certainly a mixed bag: part Previews, part Punk, part uh… indie with a twist of nostalgia for better times in music.
At 56 pages, it offers a glimpse into the world and creators of the new IDW Black Crown comic book imprint. There are preview pages from upcoming Black Crown comics Punks Not Dead, Assassinistas, and the already released Kid Lobotomy.
There are also a few new comic storylines debuting here, with first installments of Cannonball Comics, Rich and Strange (the return of the Cud band), and the lead story Tales From The Black Crown Pub. All stories are continued, presumably in the next quarterly issue of Black Crown Quarterly.
Interspersed among the previews and short story chapters are interviews with a few of the creators, information on the city of Leeds England (seriously), instructions on how to skateboard, and so on. You get the picture: international music-loving youth!
I enjoyed some of the stories, was puzzled about how this all fits together as a whole, and wondered about the price of $6.99. Seems like a lot to pay for what you get in terms of new comic content, minus the previews and house ads…
Black Crown Quarterly #1, IDW $6.99 for 56 pages, for mature readers.