Image Comics brings you a bizarre comic book series of Moonstruck on its third issue, written by Grace Ellis and created by Shae Beagle.

However, the only thing that existed in the world of Moonstruck is some bizarre bio humans like mutants or something. From a human being who actually became a Centaur or a bid who became a human harpy. I mean what the hell is going on? Does this artist actually go from La La land to create this bizarre comic book for fun to impress his readers? Let’s find out.

Well for starters, this comic actually have a fantasy taste of the genre because like I said before that human became mutated by some mixed up DNA with animals. Even though, the main character, Chet just admitted that he’s a “monster” because he has lost his butt, meaning he lost his horse’s butt. He would actually live his life as a human being without any Centaur feels for horse’s legs, or get his revenge for stealing his butt. While he’s searching for his butt, he actually ventures around town for something, until someone found who’s responsible for all this madness. He’s actually a ghost who actually takes people’s lives away and put them in a magic bubble and trapped them until Chet came by and get what he really deserved for his butt. Well, I guess we should call up Ghostbusters for stealing Chet’s horse legs and butt and makes a havoc in town, but I guess things would take time to do their crap until the end.

This Moonstruck is one of the most bizarre comics that I’ve read, unlike the Saga series, this comic would only have one thing, and that is the life of a mutant. I mean at the end Chet’s last line would happen that one day he would punch the moon until he’s relieved and take a nap for a hundred years. There’s nothing to say about this comic, but the art of the comic is very cartoony and cute too, to think that she would create the characters with human and animal mixed up DNA to have this as a story living in a small town. Well if anyone didn’t expect this or haven’t read this comic yet, well try reading from the beginning and find out.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.

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